Linear Finance
3 min readApr 30, 2024

Update covering March to April, 2024

Development Team Update

As part of our ongoing commitment to enhancing the Linear protocol, we are excited to announce significant updates to our website and underlying architecture. Our team has been diligently working to align the Linear protocol with the Chainlink Cross-Chain Interoperability Protocol (CCIP) standards. There are more details here in our previous report:

This transformation required substantial revisions, from the core protocol mechanics to the user interface, ensuring a seamless and efficient user experience.

Architectural Redesign and Testing
We have completed a comprehensive redesign of the Linear protocol’s architecture to meet the rigorous demands of CCIP standards. The new system is currently under extensive testing to ensure reliability, security, and performance. This update, while not essential for the basic operation of the protocol, is aimed at significantly improving user interaction and satisfaction.

Bug Fixes and Enhancements
In the few weeks after our new launch, we have identified and addressed several minor bugs, particularly those impacting the rewards schedule and calculation accuracy. Our development team is focused on resolving these issues promptly and effectively, ensuring that the protocol operates smoothly for all our users.

Future Developments
Looking ahead, we are excited about the final stages of CCIP integration. Concurrently, we are planning further feature enhancements and continuous maintenance to improve the protocol’s functionality and security. Our goal is to provide a robust platform that not only meets current user needs but also anticipates future demands.

We appreciate your continued support and feedback, which are vital to our ongoing improvement efforts. Stay tuned for more updates as we continue to enhance the Linear protocol experience.

General Operations Update

We would like to take the opportunity in this update to reveal a little more of the functionality of the upcoming Linear Marketplace. The Marketplace will have two main functions:

Peer-to-Peer Token Sales
Use Case: Provide a market for new and/or illiquid tokens prior to CEX/DEX listing, or for persons/projects looking to trade without directly impacting market prices. As a secondary service it can also be used as a peer-to-peer escrow by defining the recipient’s wallet address. Projects may also use this service to raise development funds by selling discounted tokens directly to the community via the crowd fill function, reducing dependency on OTC trading with large investment funds.

Peer-to-Peer NFT Key Trading
Use Case: A person with an NFT Key, representing access to their tokens locked in a vesting contract, can sell the NFT Key and subsequently transfer ownership of the vesting tokens. Trading of vesting / locked token allocations are becoming increasing popular as those locked into contracts look to recycle their liquidity.

Note: Images shown are placeholders only, this is not an image based NFT Marketplace

Where do the NFT Keys come from?
Many projects are already providing investors with NFT keys to their vesting token allocations. For example provides a token streaming service, the end users receive an NFT key representing ownership of their portion of the stream. We will provide a marketplace to sell the keys and release your liquidity instantly.

How do we create an NFT Key?
NFT Keys are usually created by the project raising the funds….but we want everyone to be able to create their own wallet with a tradeable key, so we created:

More on this exciting development next time!!

Kind regards,

Linear Team

Linear Finance

A Decentralized Delta-One Asset Protocol with Unlimited Liquidity