Linear Is Integrating Chainlink CCIP to Unlock Cross-Chain LINA Transfers

Linear Finance
2 min readApr 3, 2024


We’re excited to announce that Linear is integrating Chainlink CCIP — the industry standard for secure cross-chain interoperability — across the BNB Chain and Ethereum mainnets. We’re leveraging CCIP’s arbitrary messaging functionality to build cross-chain transfers of LINA, enabling users to stake LINA from multiple chains.

We selected CCIP as our preferred interoperability solution because Chainlink has the most proven track record of maintaining the highest standard of security and reliability in the Web3 industry. Furthermore, CCIP is backed by the Risk Management Network — a separate, independent network that continually monitors and verifies cross-chain operations for suspicious activity. This additional layer of security is particularly important given historical industry exploits and the billions in user funds lost due to insecure and unreliable cross-chain infrastructure.

Linear Finance is a cross-chain compatible, delta-one asset protocol that enables users to trade liquid assets quickly, seamlessly, and cost-effectively. It features the Builder dApp for staking, an exchange for trading liquid assets, a tool for secure cross-chain LINA swaps, and a yield-generating vault is in development.

In order to help secure our cross-chain LINA transfers, we needed access to a highly secure and reliable interoperability solution. After reviewing various solutions, we integrated Chainlink CCIP because it provides a multitude of important benefits and features, such as:

  • Time-tested security and reliability — CCIP’s consensus and messaging layer is powered by Chainlink decentralized oracle networks, which have already secured tens of billions of dollars for smart contracts and enabled over $9 trillion in onchain transaction value. CCIP also features additional layers of protection and reliability via the Risk Management Network and Smart Execution.
  • Seamless integration — CCIP offers a unified cross-chain developer experience by providing a single, easy-to-integrate interface. Developers only need to integrate the CCIP Router onchain to start building secure cross-chain applications.
  • Scalable architecture — CCIP eliminates the need for developers to write custom code for chain-specific integrations, while users can interact with any blockchain via a single interface.
  • Future-proof — CCIP is built to support continuous updates, such as the integration of new blockchains, the introduction of advanced functionalities, and the addition of other defense-in-depth approaches to security. Thus, integrating with CCIP eliminates future switching costs should new cross-chain functionalities be needed.

“We’re excited to integrate the industry-standard Chainlink CCIP to secure cross-chain transfers of LINA. By upgrading to CCIP, our cross-chain solution will have best-in-class security, seamlessly scale with our protocol, and support continuous updates.” — Jason, Product Lead

About Linear Finance

A Cross-Chain Compatible, Decentralized Delta-One Asset Protocol

Create, manage, and trade exposures seamlessly and instantly




Linear Finance

A Decentralized Delta-One Asset Protocol with Unlimited Liquidity