Linear Finance
3 min readFeb 26, 2024
26th Feb, 2024 — Update #3

Hi Linear Community. Please find below the next installment of the fortnightly updates.

Update covering early to end Feb, 2024

Development Team Update
The team are pushing hard to deliver Linear 2.0, technical updates below, enjoy.

Official Website Overhaul

  • Logo Refinement: Final touches were added to the logo, enhancing brand representation.
  • Header Menu Rework: A significant redesign of the official website’s header menu to improve navigation and user experience.
  • Builder Update: Recolouring of icons, padding adjustments, and dark theme rework for Builder.
  • Translation Fixes: Updated the Korean and French translations on the official website for better accessibility.
  • Footer Redesign: Enhanced the footer section of the official website for better user engagement and information access.

Smart Contracts and Development Environment

  • Post-Exploit Smart Contracts: Finalized and merged all post-exploit smart contracts into the public production branch, integrating them into the Multicollateral environment for initial testing.
  • Deployment Scripts: Developed scripts for deploying Multicollateral smart contracts in the development environment.
  • Cloudflare Tunnels: Implemented Cloudflare tunnels to expose the development environment publicly, providing granular controls for multiple asynchronous environments.
  • Development Environment Documentation: Prepared comprehensive documentation for setting up and running the development environment, gearing up for the initial testing phase.
  • Test Case Updates: Enhanced and updated test cases for Multicollateral automatic testing.
  • Rebrand Website Exposure: Exposed a new environment for the rebranded website through Cloudflare to circumvent DNS issues.

Testing and Deployment

  • Test Environment Launch: Successfully launched the test environment.
  • Multicollateral Testing: Pushed out Multicollateral to the test environment and conducted extensive testing.
  • Testing Framework Updates: Updated test frameworks and unit tests for front-end applications.
  • DApp Integration: Merged Multicollateral branches into rebranded decentralized applications (DApps).
  • Second Test Environment Creation: Established a second test environment for the full deployment of version 2.0, while continuing testing on a hybrid Multicollateral/current environment for gradual deployment.
  • LINA Rewards Scheme: Implemented and tested the LINA rewards scheme.
  • Blockchain Explorer Fix: Addressed and fixed an issue where the blockchain explorer was consuming excessive memory, leading to halts in the test blockchain.
  • Test Environment Documentation: Compiled and disseminated documentation for using the test environment effectively.

General Operations Update

Big news at the end of this month, Linear is sponsoring BNB Chain’s side event at ETH Denver! 27th to 29th Feb at the BNB Chain Coffee Shop. If you’re heading to Eth Denver come and have a chill out and a coffee on us!

A few days prior we launched our LUSD — USDT pool on Wombat. There are some nice APYs to be had if you’re looking for somewhere to park your stables, AND support the Linear Peg!

21st Feb our Stakers Bounty was distributed. The first 25% of 1 million LINA tokens going to people who remained staked throughout the exploit and beyond. The final remaining 75% will be distributed in another 3 months from now. We would like to thank everyone for your support.

15th Feb our Product Lead, Jason, did an AMA with the BNB Chain guys for their RU speaking community, with five curious question writers winning $100 each.

All in all a busy month, and March is looking awesome!

Take care,

Team Linear.

Linear Finance

A Decentralized Delta-One Asset Protocol with Unlimited Liquidity